pp108 : ACL Explorer Interface

ACL Explorer Interface

This topic describes the fields that appear in ACL Explorer.

The table below describes the fields that appear while viewing the access permissions granted for a role.
Table 1. ACL Explorer Interface

Field Name



Name of the ACL


Description of the ACL


Distinguished name of a user or a role for which the access control is set

Service Groups

The Service Groups for which the ACL is set

Object Tree

The XML representation of ACL. A generic ACL Object Tree can be defined as follows:

    <object id="Northwind">
        <object id="Customers">
            <method acl="blocked" id="Delete"/>

Here, the 1st object id (Northwind) refers to Database Metadata, the 2nd object id (Customers) refers to the Database Table, method acl indicates whether the object is accessible or not, and id indicates the level of restriction. As per this example, the delete operation is blocked for the role or user.



Related concepts

Conditional ACL

Related tasks

Configuring ACL for Web Service Interfaces and Operations
Configuring ACL for Service Groups
Configuring ACL for LDAP Objects
Configuring ACL for Database Metadata
Configuring ACL for XMLStore Objects
Configuring ACL for Roles
Configuring ACL for Users